Application documents

Application accepted

On 14 May 2018, we submitted our Development Consent Order (DCO) application for our Hornsea Project Three offshore wind farm to the Planning Inspectorate, which has since been accepted for examination. This marks the end of the pre-application process and the culmination of over two and a half years of planning and public consultation with stakeholders including statutory bodies, landowners and members of the local community.

Where can I view the full application?

You can view the full suite of application documents on this page or on the Planning Inspectorate’s project web page, including accompanying plans, maps and other documents. For information on how we consulted and who was involved, including how we responded individually to stakeholder feedback, please see our Consultation Report (see Reports, 5.1 below). A Non-Technical Summary of the Environmental Statement is also available (see Environmental Statement).

Hornsea Project Three is currently being examined. For the latest updates on the Examination, please visit the Planning Inspectorate’s website
