The initial findings from all the environmental assessments we have carried out to develop our proposal are detailed in these documents.

This is a technical report which provides details of the project proposal, explains what effects we believe our proposals would have on the environment and provides some details in terms of how we plan to minimise these effects where appropriate.

This report forms the basis of our formal consultation 27 July to 20 September 2017. A non-technical Summary is also available to view.

Section 42 Letter
Section 42 Letter
Section 48 Notification
Section 48 Notification
Non Technical Summary
Non-Technical Summary
Volume 6 - Onshore Chapter Annexes
Annex 1.1: Borehole Logs (Part 1)
Annex 1.1: Borehole Logs (Part 2)
Annex 1.1: Borehole Logs (Part 3)
Annex 1.1: Borehole Logs (Part 4)
Annex 1.2: Abstraction Licences
Annex 1.3: Discharge Consents and Permits
Annex 2.1: Flood Risk Assessment
Annex 2.2: Environment Agency and Internal Drainage Board Watercourses and Flood Zones
Annex 2.3: Surface Water Abstraction Licences, Discharge Consents and Pollution Incidents
Annex 3.1: Onshore Ornithology - Wintering Bird Survey
Annex 3.2: Great Crested Newt and Desmoulines Whorl Snail Habitat Suitability Assessment Survey (Part 1)
Annex 3.2: Great Crested Newt and Desmoulines Whorl Snail Habitat Suitability Assessment Survey (Part 2)
Annex 3.3: Hazel Dormouse, Red Squirrel and Freshwater Pearl Mussel Desk Study
Annex 4.1: Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Methodology
Annex 4.2: Key Characteristics of National Seascape and National Landscape Character Areas
Annex 4.5: Visual Receptors for the Onshore Infrastructure
Annex 4.6: Cumulative Effects Assessment
Annex 4-7 Photography and Indicative Wirelines
Annex 4.7: Photography and Indicative Wirelines
Annex 4.8: Effects on Landscape and Visual Resources and Receptors
Annex 5.1: Desk Based Assessment
Annex 5.2: Fieldwalking Report
Annex 5.3: Site Gazetteer
Annex 5.4: Screening Assessment – Onshore HVDC/HVAC substation
Annex 5.5: Screening Assessment - Onshore HVAC Booster Station
Annex 6-1 ALC Published Data Part 1
Annex 6.1: ALC Published Data (Part 2)
Annex 7.1: Transport Assessment (Details on Proposed Content for DCO Application)
Annex 7.2: Transport Figures (Part 1)
Annex 7.3: Description of Network Links and Sensitivity
Annex 7.4: Construction Vehicle Trip Generation Assumptions
Annex 7.5: Identification of Potential Accesses onto Private Land
Annex 7-6 Summary of Potential Construction Access Points
Annex 8.1: Baseline Noise Information